The Power of Focus : Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt (Download PDF)


The Power of Focus : Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt (Download PDF)

About Book 

"The Power of Focus" by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt is a popular self-help book that offers strategies and advice for achieving personal and professional success through improved focus and goal-setting with amazing techniques.

This Book emphasizes the importance of clarity in setting specific goals, maintaining a positive mindset, and taking consistent action toward achieving those goals. The Power of Focus Book covers various aspects of life, including career, relationships, personal development, and financial success.

Throughout the book, the authors share inspirational stories, practical exercises, and actionable tips to help readers enhance their productivity and effectiveness in pursuit of their goals.

If you're interested in personal development and looking for practical guidance on how to focus your efforts and achieve your goals, "The Power of Focus" could be a valuable resource for you. Scroll Down Hit Download Button and Start Reading..... 

About Author 

Jack Canfield is an award-winning speaker and an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies.

Book Details 

PDF Book Name: The Power of Focus

Language - English

No. of Pages: 169 Pages

PDF Size: 37MB

PDF Category: Personal Finance (Self-help book)

Published/Updated: 04/10/2023
Source/Credit: Public

Uploaded by: SRD

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