Eat That Frog : Brian Tracy (Download PDF Book)


About Book 

"Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time" is one of Brian Tracy's most popular books. It was published in 2001, the book is a self-help guide that provides practical advice on time management, productivity, and overcoming procrastination.

The title "Eat That Frog!" is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging and important tasks the idea being that if you start your day by eating a live frog (a metaphor for your biggest, most difficult task), everything else will seem easier by comparison.

In the book, Tracy outlines 21 strategies, "ways," to help readers overcome procrastination and increase their productivity. Some key principles include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, focusing on high-value activities, and managing time effectively. The book is designed to provide actionable insights that individuals can implement in their daily lives to achieve better results and make progress toward their goals.

About Author 

Brian Tracy is a Canadian-American motivational speaker, self-help author, and success coach. Born on January 5, 1944, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Tracy is known for his expertise in personal development, time management, goal setting, and leadership.

Book Details 

PDF Book Name: Eat That Frog: Brian Tracy 

Language - English

No. of Pages:  103 Pages

PDF Size: 561 KB

PDF Category:  Self-help book

Published/Updated: 09/03/2024
Source/Credit: Public

Uploaded by: SRD

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